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Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder Overview:
- Easy to use Magnavox DVD Recorder
- DVD+R/RW Recording
- Progressive Scan
- DVD+R/RW Playback
- DVD-R/RW Playback
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Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder Reviews
38 of 39 people found the following review helpful
It does what it is supposed to, September 4, 2006 By This review is from: Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder (Electronics) I did not have a problem setting up the DVD recorder. I used it with a ViewSonic 17" widescreen tv/monitor. I also have a dvd player hooked up to it. The DVD recorder comes with everything you need to hook it up and I found the instructions easy to follow. The initial set-up of the recorder were also easy to follow and worked perfectly the first time and was very quick.
I just recorded my first DVD in 2 hour mode. The picture does not look any different as it does on the TV (at least not noticeable). It recorded from the exact times I told it to and it recorded the correct channel. I finalized the DVD and put it in my DVD recorder and it played perfectly.
I used the DVD-R for this and I purchased some DVD-RW so that I can erase the TV shows I record.
You can program up to 8 recordings at once. You can title it whatever you want. You can pick to finalize automatically or not. You can pick if you want chapters and how far apart you'd like... Read more
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful
The player that went by many names., May 26, 2007 By This review is from: Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder (Electronics) Reviewer "Joe Pierre" is absolutely correct---this is virtually the same player as the SV2000. In fact, this particular DVD recorder/player is known by many names. Funai Corporation, which is the manufacturer of all of them and parent company to some, sells these under numerous brand names, including the Funai brand as well. Some of these are sold exclusively at Circuit City as PYE. Some are manufactured as Sylvania and Emerson. Mine, available only at Wal-Mart, is known by the name SV2000. Even electronics giant Philips has handed over the manufacturing of their Magnovox brand to Funai! So whether yours is known as PYE, Emerson, Sylvania, SV2000, Magnavox, or Funai, they are all essentially the same machine.
As it is, this DVD player/recorder known by many names is a value-priced, budget-friendly wonder found well under the $100 price range. No, it will not go head to head with the $500 plus players from the likes of NAD, Rotel, Denon, etc. It will, however, deliver as... Read more
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful
Works great but wish it had LED display of time and counter, November 18, 2006 By This review is from: Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder (Electronics) I bought this at Wal-mart for under $100 and think it is a great deal. This is a replacement to my Toshiba that just died after 2 years. It records great. It plays DVDs I recorded on my computer which the Toshiba wouldn't. I only wish that it had a LED display of the time and counter.
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38 of 39 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder (Electronics) I did not have a problem setting up the DVD recorder. I used it with a ViewSonic 17" widescreen tv/monitor. I also have a dvd player hooked up to it. The DVD recorder comes with everything you need to hook it up and I found the instructions easy to follow. The initial set-up of the recorder were also easy to follow and worked perfectly the first time and was very quick.I just recorded my first DVD in 2 hour mode. The picture does not look any different as it does on the TV (at least not noticeable). It recorded from the exact times I told it to and it recorded the correct channel. I finalized the DVD and put it in my DVD recorder and it played perfectly. I used the DVD-R for this and I purchased some DVD-RW so that I can erase the TV shows I record. You can program up to 8 recordings at once. You can title it whatever you want. You can pick to finalize automatically or not. You can pick if you want chapters and how far apart you'd like... Read more 9 of 9 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder (Electronics) Reviewer "Joe Pierre" is absolutely correct---this is virtually the same player as the SV2000. In fact, this particular DVD recorder/player is known by many names. Funai Corporation, which is the manufacturer of all of them and parent company to some, sells these under numerous brand names, including the Funai brand as well. Some of these are sold exclusively at Circuit City as PYE. Some are manufactured as Sylvania and Emerson. Mine, available only at Wal-Mart, is known by the name SV2000. Even electronics giant Philips has handed over the manufacturing of their Magnovox brand to Funai! So whether yours is known as PYE, Emerson, Sylvania, SV2000, Magnavox, or Funai, they are all essentially the same machine.As it is, this DVD player/recorder known by many names is a value-priced, budget-friendly wonder found well under the $100 price range. No, it will not go head to head with the $500 plus players from the likes of NAD, Rotel, Denon, etc. It will, however, deliver as... Read more 9 of 9 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder (Electronics) I bought this at Wal-mart for under $100 and think it is a great deal. This is a replacement to my Toshiba that just died after 2 years. It records great. It plays DVDs I recorded on my computer which the Toshiba wouldn't. I only wish that it had a LED display of the time and counter. |
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Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder, Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD RecorderMagnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder, Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD RecorderMagnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder, Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD RecorderMagnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder, Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD RecorderMagnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder, Magnavox MWR10D6 DVD Recorder
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